The fun July Stamp of the Month is now available! Get your set for just $5.00 with any purchase of $75.00! And to give you some ideas of just how versatile this stamp set is, check out this video clip!
I have had some fun creating some projects using the stamp set.
Free To Be Me Paper pack (NLA)
Various Markers (NB: there are NEW markers coming in August!)
This page is based on Layout 2j - Bottom Border - Title in the Reflections Idea Book
Products used:
Products used to create this card are: White Card & Envelope Bulk Pack
Enjoy the Little Things Stamp Set - (B1451 - Hostess Rewards Stamp set). If you would like this stamp set, contact me to find out how you can get yours!
The CTMH annual convention was held at Disneyland last weekend. And this is where they announced the release of the NEW Annual Inspirations Catalogue - which goes live on 1st August! It is 198 pages of scrapbooking, cardmaking, stamping and paper crafting goodness! You can get a copy early for just $7.00 pick up or $9.00 posted! I am expecting my first shipment of the Annual Inspirations in the 2nd week of July, so order your copy today!
Also at convention, the NEW Consultant Kit was released! Or should I say 2 NEW Consultant Kits were released!

The Cardmaker’s New Consultant Kit contains a wide selection of Close To
My Heart products, ideal for creating stunning cards, all for only $130, also with a retail value of over $500, making this kit
is a fantastic deal as well! And don't worry if you want it all, because you can have it all with 22% discount on everything as a consultant. I am looking for all types of consultants to join my team - whether you just want to purchase for your own personal use or build a business!
To find what's in the NEW Consultant Kit & how to join my team, click on the link: Consultant Opportunity
Book into my NEW Product Open House on Saturday 2nd August 2014 and see some of the NEW products. There will be some make and Take opportunities with NEW products as well as demonstrations. If you are on my mailing list, watch your inbox for more information! If you would like to go on my mailing list, contact me so I can add you!
And don't forget my regular workshops where you can come and learn something new, create some pages or cards, catch up with old friends and make new ones.
My workshop dates for August are:
Friday, 11th July: Workshop - Cost $15.00
Sunday, 13th July: Cardmaking Workshop - Cost $10.00
Sunday, 27th July: Thebarton Workshop - Cost $25.00 (bookings close soon!
Payment essential with booking. Contact me for details)
Saturday, 2nd August: Open House - details to be advised
Friday, 8th August: Workshop - Cost $15.00
Friday, 22nd August: Cardmaking Workshop - Cost $10.00
Sunday, 24th August: Workshop - Cost $15.00
Bookings for all events are essential! All events are held at my home unless otherwise noted. All dates and times are subject to change without notice!
I look forward to connecting with you soon! Doreen